Saturday, February 5, 2011

We're movin' on up, on up, to the Upstate

The time has finally come for us to actually move to Greenville. BJ gets officially "on-boarded" as an employee on Monday and we end our year long wallet emptying private medical insurance payments. I can't decide what I'm more excited about, moving or real medical benefits (probably both)!

My mom said to me the other day how lucky B.J. and I have been with so many events and opportunities in our lives thus far. I don't know if its so much luck as being on the receiving end of good fortune through God's grace. And although I know that its not without prayer and honoring him that good things come, I sometimes get caught up in my selfish ways and forget that all too important detail. So, it was at 4:00 AM when I lie awake dreaming of furniture, paint colors, and fabric swatches that I realized I hadn't done the most important thing of all during our home search - give thanks and praise to God.

We listed our house in Lexington two weeks ago today. So far we've had 7 showings and one second showing scheduled for tomorrow morning. Ironically the showing starts at the same time our church service starts, so we will be praying hard at 10:30 AM as we listen to a sermon on the Stages of Life, which will undoubtedly be appropriate as we transition into another stage of our lives in Greenville.

Here is the link to our house on the internet for those of you who live far away and have never visited with us.

So while I continue to struggle with patience for God's plan to reveal itself to me, I will continue to praise him and pray for the right buyer for our house to come along. It doesn't mean I didn't stop at Ethan Allen for a little inspiration today - just window shopping of course :)

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