Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2010 Reflections & 2011 News

2010 was a very interesting year in our house, and I would be remiss if I didn't recap it in some way shape or form (not to mention its a little therapeutic and puts things in perspective for me as we embrace a big move and more change in 2011).

January & February 2010

I decide (after much prayer, consult, and personal struggle) to quit my full time job with Girl Scouts. God provides and I am able to bridge the gap between the working world and the mommy world by working part time political fundraising with BJ's old firm through the June primary.

May & June 2010

The gubernatorial primary heats up, Sarah Palin arrives, a scandal emerges, and the entire campaign momentum shifts. Our candidate loses and we are left without a job, a few enemies, a few less friends (or better said as the revelation of true friends vs. political friends), and a lot of time to reevaluate life. It was probably one of the most trying and blessed times in our family's life. It brought the need for big change to light. I believe God was trying to tell us to get out of politics for a long time, but a gentle push wasn't going to cut it to make us see his plan, we needed a big smack in the face and a child to make us listen.

Summer 2010

We are unemployed, one by chance and the other by choice, but we make the most of it and continue our summer plans. We spend two weeks at the beach, one week in Louisiana, one week in Pennsylvania and a few days in New Hampshire. Prior to our first week at the beach BJ learns that he did not get the job he really wanted in Greenville, but not to worry, they loved him and know of another great opportunity in Greenville of which he'd be perfect for and they refer him. While at the beach he gets a phone interview, drives to Greenville for an in-person interview, and gets a job! We made a point of embracing the time we had over the summer to reconnect as a family, and be patient with God's plan for us. God provides again!

Fall 2010

Gus cuts teeth and goes mobile - crawling all over the place. Papa O'Dell passes away, and we lose our last grandfather and say goodbye to a generation of great men. Gus turns one in November and we celebrate with a sock monkey themed birthday party. JLC Holiday Market consumed my life, but turns out to be an incredibly rewarding experience for me. BJ continues to commute to Greenville 2 to 3 days a week and we get closer to his contract going permanent and a permanent move to Greenville.

Biggest Lessons from 2010

Figuring out whats really important
Money doesn't make you happy, being kinda poor makes you stronger
Change is a good thing and can really be great if you embrace it

2011 Begins...

Gus has two more teeth and is now walking.

I am seriously contemplating going back to school in the fall to pursue my passion for nutrition.

And as of today, BJ has accepted a permanent position with his company and we are officially moving to Greenville (well once the house sells :)

We are so excited to see what God's plan for us is in 2011 - we can't wait!

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