Tuesday, January 11, 2011

All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth

We did in fact celebrate Christmas this year and have pictures to prove it, but post holiday illness and accompanying short naps delayed blog updates. We spent the few days leading up to and also Christmas in Greenville, catching up with friends and family and enjoying time together as a family.

Christmas Eve at Aunt CheChe's

One of Gus's first words was Papa - and he sure does love his Papa as you can see here :)

Gus cut his two front teeth the week of Christmas and also developed a cold, which turned into a deep chest cough (his first), a single ear infection (his first), and wheezing (hopefully not a sign of asthma to come) by New Year's Day. We started off 2011 at the pediatrician, and three antibiotics and 10 days later the little man is back to himself again.

Santa used his coupons wisely this year and brought Gus a Step 2 push car - he loves it! We cruised the neighborhood several times in the past week before it got too cold, but we aren't afraid to bring our Nascar rally indoors in the coming weeks.

Taking a milk break

Grandma and Papa brought Gus the cadillac of wagons, fit for him and a friend to ride around with cold drinks and an umbrella for those sunny days of summer. It also makes a great snow transport, as we learned yesterday.

He liked the wagon, but didn't want to be confined - let me out!

It was the first white Christmas on record in South Carolina since 1963 and we enjoyed every minute of watching the snow fall. It was too wet to play in, but we snapped a few pictures of course.

And what Christmas wouldn't be complete without a shoot using Uncle Brent's new 22

BJ apparently was the best shot - guess we know what he'll be getting from Santa next year

Grammy and Papou came to visit the week after Christmas and brought Gus a ride on fire truck - he loves the song it plays and its quickly becoming his theme song.

Gus keeps us in stitches with his comical faces. For a 13 month old he sure does command his humor well - its hard not to laugh with him most days. Here are a few shots of classic Gus expressions from the holidays.

I love how little boys just innately know how to push cars around the room - it made me smile :)

Not so sure about this whole opening presents thing

We had a wonderful holiday, reminding us of how truly blessed we are.

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