Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween

We were very excited to celebrate Gus's first Halloween, he was a monkey, which is his nickname (he almost responds more to monkey then Gus, scary!) We packed the car and headed to Greenville to trick or treat in the Botany Woods neighborhood with all of Gus's cousins. Gus loves his cousins so much, he lights up when they are around and it makes my heart melt everytime.

We had a chili dinner and then headed out into the neighborhood. Brent pulled us all in a flat bed trailer attached to his truck, and we would make periodic stops on good streets, and then load back into the trailer and head up to another street. With Gus's recent weigh in of 27.4 lbs, lugging him in and out of the stroller and trailer got to be a lot of work for us, so we finally just loaded him into the trailer all snug in his costume and strapped into the stroller - he laughed the whole time. He had a high brow first Halloween if I do say so myself. Here are the pics - enjoy!

You know your child is laid back when he is completely unphased by wearing a giant fleece monkey suit

Pre Trick-or-Treating photo op with a fairy, a cat, a sailor girl, teen wolf and the monkey

First stop of the night - the Varners house of Halloween fright - BJ is offering Gus to the clown :)

We love our little monkey so much - and he had so much fun trick-or-treating - we practiced waving hi and bye at every house, and by the end he would just wave as soon as we got there and just before we were about to leave - it was so cute to watch him practice his waving.

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