Last Saturday was the first one we've been home in several weeks. It was great to spend time together as a family watching football and going to the SC State Fair. With BJ's commute, he doesn't get to spend as much time with Gus as he would like, so on Saturday while I hit the gym (in preparation for the fair food to come) he kept the little monkey and when I got home (just in time for kickoff) this is how I found them :) Clemson went on to break our losing streak and beat Maryland on the road - I like to think our little linebacker had something to do with it.
Now as many of you know I'm not the fried food or fair type, but one of the (few) perks of living in Columbia comes around every October when the SC State Fair comes to town and so you must indulge as a local resident. This year, I was admittedly excited to take Gus to the fair, I just knew that he would love all the lights, the people, and the animals. He loved every minute of the fair and was snoring with in minutes of getting in the car to head home!