So I'm weeks behind in posting about Carson being 9 months old (Note: We're a mere 8 days away from 10 months), but she's become such a joyful baby in the past few weeks I just needed to share. She's no longer a clingy projectile vomiting baby much to her satisfaction and mine!
She's so different from Gus, you can already see such vast differences in their personalities. She's busy, funny, determined and sneaky - she'll figure out how to put the tiniest piece of lint, hair, or whatever else she finds into her mouth in 30 seconds flat. In the past three weeks she has gone from scooting, to crawling, to pulling up halfway, to pulling up all the way, to cruising. At this rate she'll be walking well before first birthday and watch out - baby latches will be installed for this little princess immediately!
Here a few pictures of her over the last few weeks - she's so happy now that she's mobile - she's squeals with delight with every new thing she discovers - its too cute.
And this is what happens when you let big brother administer snack (on clean floors too!)
She laughs at the dogs and bangs on the glass - they don't think its so funny in the summer TX heat
Carrot Face
Hmmm, what can I get into next...
Playing "Pirate" in the bathtub
They love each other so much
Aargh matey
Yay for Carson
Watch out Mommy, I'm coming for you next
And this is the "stoic princess" face that she wears most of the time - LOVE :)
Happy 9 Months Baby Girl - We love you!