So, with family and friends spanning the country, we've decided to start a blog to share all of our news, updates, pictures and soon to be arrival and life of Baby Boling. I must admit the irony, that a twitter averse and blog hating individual (this is Katie talking as we all know BJ is synonymous with blackberry) has done none other then create a blog to do nothing other then chronical my growing family's life for all of the public to see - but I'm no scrapbooker, so I figured updating the internet in regular intervals with pictures and commentary might be the best way for my unborn child to know exactly what is/was going on in my brain for all those years!
So here goes....
As my second trimester winds down (24 weeks and counting) I'm finally beginning to feel, look, and act pregnant. Maternity clothes are officially here to stay, dropping things (which happens frequently) and having to bend down to get them has become increasingly difficult, and losing my train of thought nearly to the point of stuttering (much to BJ's amusement) occurs on a regular basis.
A few weeks ago I was so overwhelmed with what seemed like an endless mountain of things to accomplish before Baby Boling arrives - I didn't know how I was ever going to get it all done. But with the help of neighbors, family and friends we've finally made "progress" by my lofty standards. The to do list is getting shorter, and I can finally relax a little. Baby Boling's closet is assembled (and rather full considering we've got a ways to go), nursery furniture has been picked up, swapped out, and moved in, and the Junior League of Columbia has an attic full of stuff for Clean Sweep 2010.
So as the temperature soars, and the "schools out beach days of summer" come to a close we do have much to look forward to. We are headed to Hilton Head next weekend for a long weekend with my parents, followed by my trip to Chicago for a fun girls' bachelorette weekend to celebrate my friend Amanda's October nuptials and selfishly my last weekend of true freedom before Baby Boling, and then, drum roll please...BJ turns 30 on September 6th!
We look forward to sharing more with all of you over the next few days, weeks, months and years as our family grows and our blessings multiply.
Thanks for reading!